Saturday, January 1, 2011

What Are Reactive Lenses

= Marianne sad

Philatelic What a year! British Literature, Machin colored golden orange as and Coliposte continues without φ, to gradually redeem the poor reputation of the Post Office in this area, Yvon Nouazé writes, still many discoveries in my reading of specialized Stamp Magazine, Gibbons Stamp Monthly and Stamps magazine every month.

And all this giving nothing to Fifi! Hurray!

Now, on to the annual coal bucket:)

Hmmm, the Nicolas Marianne times of national mourning
affected by the brand Fifi.

With the stock of old smiling and encouraging Marianne of the French collectible stamps and non-tagged the symbol of that which he does-not-be-say-the- name, no postage stamps and stamp dealer bought the defunct 2010. The

Marianne Nicolas ? No, thank you, dress in sackcloth and mourning secure permanent, not my style.

φlatélique In the program, φ was clean for me and too bad for the few pleasures of the eyes graphically mutilated: Abbe Pierre and Mother Teresa of Andreotto Sarah Bougault [in a reissue diptyique?] Philatelic personalities [by sponsorées Summer and winter Maury Jesus resurrected?], Villeneuve-les-Avignon Eve Luquet [ Ah! Chin! ] Turner and The Pool surprising, and Mills Beaujard almost photographic offset / intaglio.

There would be the book on violence against women, not φ, but the books of twelve, it is a lot for my needs and my stock enough. I know, I know: environmental protection, twelve to waste less. But between the disposable cover of the book and large plastic bag of mail savior ... The second could be used to take vegetables to the supermarket, notice. So

: NOTHING. After all, since the famous banquet obedient generals summoned by our monarch, the stamp is the picture ... look in magazines and on websites, so suffice;)

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Some understand that the new stamps φ-value-added benefit of φφ do not interest me that much further.

regional Collectors? Regionalism and the eternal France is fun two seconds in the local newspaper and a fortnight in summer recess. Custom Stamps: I agree qu'Eslinger and its customers are wiser side price that customers of Royal Mail. However, my sms and my e-mails are personalized enough - and free - For my messages to my relatives.

Collectors personalized gifts for loggerhead to works? By check with only part-cons, a receipt for my tax deduction. It is very successful in Doctors Without Borders ten years without having ever needed stamps, collectors or send leeches in the streets.

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2011 φrançais What Can I Expect?

I have submitted several ideas to Fifi:
- a series of collectors France as one feels or stamp by cheese: success Unlimited after the reception by the associations of φ-φlatéliques stamps;
- a new series of Marianne current with the symbol above: you can sell back all the values and gummed adhesive Corporate odious to collectors who are confined to that category of stamps;
- for me at my new euro reissue all stamps tagged without the φ, which would return more money to those who took despite the φ.

Besides, perhaps, on some local operators, regional national or foreign who will offer postage stamps to mark the full market opening mail French ... At least for taking money from collectors failing to seriously threaten the Post.


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