Saturday, January 22, 2011

Orajel Applied To The End Of Your Penis

At Sete, we participated in fishing addressee

Today, Saturday, January 22, 2011, in the edition of Sète Midi Libre, has announced an agreement between La Poste, the mayor of Sete and an Office of Public housing . The objective: find the recipients of mail daily undistributed neighborhood of Island Thau. This

sensitive urban - an island marina in the north-western port Herault - a little over four thousand inhabitants problematic factor responsible for a tour for nine thousand inhabitants.

The problem apparently is not - contrary to the classification of neighborhood social - antisocial behavior, delinquency, bad dogs, Street Name in Occitan , but the ignorance of their postal address by a sufficiently large number of residents and shippers. From January to

April, the factor will be assisted by employees of the Housing Office to find out where the mailbox of the recipient address is incomplete. The assistance will take the form of an opportunity to get his mail at the office of the Office ... with some explanation of how the address should be reported to the senders. The neighborhood committee, if necessary, help their neighbors recover. The town hall will enhance the appearance of names Highways.

The article highlights a concern, however: the journalist is a factor for nine thousand inhabitants, it's little arms for many mailboxes.

I add another point. Capita has long been gradually building more and more populated (16, 12 and now 50 apartments), I regularly had a point ballpen factor to give my apartment number by the sender.

Only problem: addressing software used by companies understand what the "name of the residence", the "building" with rigor "upstairs". However, they have trouble with the "apartment number" indicated on the mailbox.

Thus, a famous supplier of energy produced by the passage to go against the grain-of-cats-in-a-centrifuge does not to display either the building or the apartment. Already that without the second, pressed by his superiors factor has a chance in fifty, without the first, he spends a chance in a hundred and fifty!

My solution was to include the apartment number as the first word in the name of the residence (for software that prints a limited number of characters).


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