Monday, December 20, 2010

Low Quality Bang Bros

Why Marine Le Pen defends the fennec, the gayal, the jujube trees ...?

Maurice Bogaert
Autograph, 2005

fennecs The academy will receive for the first time this year a merit award, based on achieving the "objectives assigned to them," according to documents published in the Journal Officiel.

By means of a decree and any order issued in November, the bonus features, starting this school year, two components: a fixed portion of 15,200,852 euros, and a "variable "whose amount can go up to 145% of the fixed part, either from 0 to 6,840,235 euros. A total gayal may have up to 22,000,741 euro bonus.

The jujube trees, for example, also receive performance bonuses, which can range from 8,250,785 euros annually for a sub-jujube at 28.164/201 euros for a jujube tree, even for a few high-ranking officers, to 60,000,999 euros (for all the premiums collected).


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