Friday, March 12, 2010

Bmi Chart Women In India

Hum that these cookies are simply delicious! The texture is perfect for me! I like a crunchy cookie, so I cooked a little longer than the original recipe. If you like a softer cookie, then bake according to the directive. I took this recipe from Tarzile .

1 cup flour ½ cup cocoa

c.The ½ baking soda ½
salt ½ cup sugar ½ cup brown sugar

½ cup softened butter 1
c.The vanilla 2 eggs

white chocolate chips to taste
nugget of chocolate milk

taste Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Crouch cookie sheets with parchment paper (parchment). In a large bowl, mix the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt. Reserve. In a robot breadmaker pan, place butter and sugar. Beat until mixture is light. Add eggs and mix until well blended. Add the flour mixture and cocoa in small quantities. Mingle. When the mixture is smooth, add chocolate chips. You have a mixture that looks like cake batter. With a spoon, drop dough onto the plate. To overwrite the dough, use the palm of your hand. Wet your palm before, otherwise the cookie after you glue. Bake. Cook for fifteen minutes, (me 20 minutes for crisp cookies) or until the tops of biscuits began to crack. Remove from oven and cool cookies on your rack.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What Colours Go With A Beige Bathroom

Avocado and pollock

Here's a starter or main meal of great simplicity to do. You can replace the shrimp with pollock. 1 small package

pollock chopped 3 ripe avocados

1 red pepper diced few capers

mayonnaise lemon juice to taste 1
c.The + or cilantro

Peel and cut into pieces lawyers, and in a bowl and add lemon juice, mix. Add all other ingredients in adjusting the taste with mayo and cilantro.